Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mid Challenge Review

Ok so the first week of the Ymedia challenge is up.

We've mostly stuck to our original plan, we are still working in the same order we had planned (research, concepts, feedback from Jayne, development etc) but our timeline has changed a little. We really got stuck in to the research and concepting stage and have therefor slipped a little behind schedule.

In the last week we've been researching other recipe websites to get inspiration for a look and feel to the recipe page we're making for the Diabetes NZ website. From there we came up with our own concepts for a link from the main Diabetes NZ homepage to the recipe page, and concepts for the actual recipe page itself. We've come up with a few different looks to the recipe section and are emailing them to Jayne from the organisation today to get feedback before we develop our concepts more.
We are also in the process of setting up a meeting with Squizz, the web team who is going to integrate what we have done onto the Diabetes website.

Our plan for the week is to get feedback from Jayne asap (hopefully by the end of today) develop our concepts tomorrow (Tuesday), put our designs into a html document/layout, and set up a meeting with Squizz and Jayne to integrate our design into the Diabetes NZ website.

This week is going to be busy, busy, busy! :)

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